Source code for ironik.util.ironik_logger

Offers logging utilities for the entire program.
Should be imported in every file as

    "logger = logging.getLogger("logger")"

:author: Jonathan Decker

import logging
import logging.config
import pathlib
import time

[docs]def setup_logger( logger_name: str = "logger", console_level=logging.CRITICAL, log_file_level=logging.INFO, logs_to_keep: int = 20, create_log_files: bool = True, path_to_logs: pathlib.Path = None, ) -> None: """ :description: Sets up a logger with formatting, log file creation, settable console and log file logging levels as well as automatic deletion of old log files. :param logger_name: Name of the logger profile, standard is logger, this should not be changed except for testing :type logger_name: str :param console_level: logging level on console, standard is INFO :type console_level: logging level :param log_file_level: logging level in log file, standard is DEBUG :type log_file_level: logging level :param logs_to_keep: number of log files to keep before deleting the oldest one, standard is 20 :type logs_to_keep: int :param create_log_files: Whether to create log files or only log to console :type create_log_files: bool :param path_to_logs: path to the directory for saving the logs, standard is current working directory / logs :type path_to_logs: pathlib.PATH :return: None, but the logger may now be accessed via logging.getLogger(logger_name), standard is logger :rtype: None """ def delete_oldest_log(path_to_logs): """ :description: Finds and deletes the oldest .log file in the given file path :param path_to_logs: file path to the log folder :type path_to_logs: pathlib.PATH :return: None :rtype: None """ # assert preconditions assert path_to_logs.exists() assert path_to_logs.is_dir() assert len(list(path_to_logs.glob("*.log"))) > 0 # find oldest log _, file_path = min((f.stat().st_mtime, f) for f in path_to_logs.glob("*.log")) pathlib.Path.unlink(file_path) # assert preconditions logging_levels = [ logging.CRITICAL, logging.ERROR, logging.WARNING, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG, ] assert console_level in logging_levels assert log_file_level in logging_levels assert isinstance(logs_to_keep, int) assert isinstance(create_log_files, bool) assert isinstance(path_to_logs, pathlib.Path) or path_to_logs is None if path_to_logs is None: path_to_logs = pathlib.Path.cwd() / "logs" assert ( len(logging.getLogger(logger_name).handlers) == 0 ), f"Logger {logger_name} already has the handler: {logging.getLogger(logger_name).handlers} " # create logger logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.propagate = False # if create_log_files is True, check for logs folder or make one fh_did_not_fail = True try: if create_log_files: if not ((path_to_logs.exists()) and path_to_logs.is_dir()): path_to_logs.mkdir() # check if old logs need to be deleted if logs_to_keep >= 0: while len(list((path_to_logs.glob("*.log")))) > logs_to_keep: delete_oldest_log(path_to_logs) # create file handler time_str = time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S") log_file_name = f"log_{time_str}.log" file_handler = logging.FileHandler(str(path_to_logs / log_file_name)) file_handler.setLevel(log_file_level) except PermissionError: fh_did_not_fail = False # create console handler console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setLevel(console_level) # create formatter formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s") if create_log_files and fh_did_not_fail: file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) console_handler.setFormatter(formatter) # add handlers to logger if create_log_files and fh_did_not_fail: logger.addHandler(file_handler) logger.addHandler(console_handler) logger.debug(f"Finished setting up {logger_name}: logger") if not fh_did_not_fail: logger.warning("Logger File handler failed due to missing permissions, no log file will be created")